Snow in the South: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The snow from Tuesday’s storm is mostly melted now. It was fun while it lasted, but I’m truly relieved that it is over!

We had a lot of fun playing in the snow. We dug around and found some things to “sled” on — miscellaneous laundry baskets, plastic sleeping mats, etc. We “borrowed” someone’s hilly driveway and had a contest to see who could slide the farthest. The driveway was pretty steep, so we go to going pretty fast. My twelve year old brother, Matthew, smoked us all! He got in his dilapidated laundry basket and whizzed down the driveway and all the way across the street to the yard at the other side.

Matthew with his "sled"

Matthew, the champion driveway slider, with his “sled.”

I even made a little snowman! The snow was really too powdery, but I blew on it and shaped it until it formed this mini-snowman!

my miniature snowman

My tiny snowman!

His eyes are berries from our holly bush, his arms are oak leaf stems and his nose is a piece of a baby carrot. The nose actually fell out right after I took the picture — the snow was just too powdery to hold it up!

We really had a blast since we so rarely get snow, but the storm affected almost everybody across the south. Here in Alabama, I know of so many people who were iced in and unable to get home. My Daddy had to spend the night at his office since he couldn’t get home. My older sister, Laura, was also unable to make it home and ended up staying with a cousin. And I know several people who had to leave their cars on the side of roads and many who slid on the ice and wrecked. Many kids and teachers were stranded in schools because by the time they finally let school out, the buses were unable to run. A storm like this is so unusual, we didn’t expect it and just weren’t ready.

Still it was beautiful and quite the exciting adventure! I’m so grateful that my whole family is safe at home and by God’s grace our vehicles are all intact. I’m choosing to be thankful and enjoy the journey!