Wednesday Words #1

Mother Teresa Quote
Mother Teresa is famous the world around for her lifestyle of giving up her all for the sake of the poor, needy and helpless. She was willing to give up earthly possessions so she might give to others. Her words in this short quote really speak to me.

I so often jump to judge someone for their actions, their choices or even the way they look or dress. The Lord has been convicting me of this. He has opened my eyes to the fact that as soon as I pass judgment on someone, I am less able to see them as He sees them. It becomes so much more difficult to look on them with love when I am thinking very un-Christlike things about them.

I begin to forget what I know to be true: each person is a unique individual, a masterpiece created by God for a purpose that often only He can see. (See Genesis 1:27; Psalm 139:13-18; Ephesians 1:3-12; Ephesians 2:4-10) If I look at someone with love, I see that so clearly. However, if I look at a person with judgment, I can no longer see the beauty of his or her life.

My goal in life is to selflessly love every person that my Heavenly Father places in my path. I don’t want to waste time judging; I want to love them in spite of their imperfections.

My prayer is that our eyes will be opened to the beauty of each life. May we love without reserve, knowing that our God is love, and that He freely gives of Himself to us. May we remember this: “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”

How have you seen Mother Teresa’s statement to be true in your life? Leave a comment and let me know!